Developer Secrets

Practical people skills and business advice to become irreplaceable, get multiple offers, and do the work you love.

    My Story

    Just over 2 years ago I was making $50k/yr as a junior developer. Now I'm making over $200k/yr as a senior developer, I have multiple offers from companies that want me to work for them for even more money, recruiters reaching out to me daily on LinkedIn, and I choose what to work on based on what I enjoy doing.

    Improving my coding skills was part of it, but you can learn that elsewhere. What I talk about here is the people side. Most developers think that amazing skills == amazing pay. That's not the case. Average skills && amazing communication == amazing pay.

    So what is "amazing communication"? Amazing communication means understanding what stakeholders, managers and the company you work for, want you to deliver, not in terms of code, but in terms of business results.

    A company pays you because they think what you deliver is worth more money than your salary. So if you deliver a ton of value, a company will happily pay 4x the market rate. Because the "market rate" is average pay for average results. Start delivering great results, and your pay will follow. So what does it mean to deliver great results? And how can you start doing it? Join the mailing list to find out.